Click on plant(s) second time like you would in normal gameplay, it should now give you the option to evolve - click evolve. and if you have cc/mods in your game, move your mods folder to the desktop. If you prefer, you can also watch a video about secrets in Sims 4. A better, dev needed, way of handling it though would be for the plants to be ready to (de-)evolve but *not do it on their own*. Learn all about the stuff pack on my guide page here.

You will need to collect plants and insects in order to brew these recipes. This mod for The Sims 4 will cause the Evolve Plant action to work like weeding and watering, the sim will automatically move from plant to plant evolving each plant which is eligible. If you want the full set of toddler cheats for The Sims 4. This mod is fully compatible with the most recent version of the Faster Gardening mod. Requires 3 Morel Mushroom, 2 False Morel, 1 Blackberry, 1 Dust Spirit. Take cuttings of the Dragonfruit and Snapdragon plants. Having a cozy porch for some peace and rest sounds perfect after a few hours of forced labor. Every day your Sims have to squat, water, harvest, evolve, graft, and do five more interactions to close the gap between skill levels. I also have an option to set the growth of the plant in the aforementioned AllCheats mod, but it's annoying doing it 20+ times every few sim hours and then waiting on harvestables again. The plants in the shelf-planters turn to this small peanut-like form and the ones in floor planters just turn to pile of soil. You need to have level 2 in the gardening skill to evolve plants. Deodorizing Cream – Replenishes the Sim’s Hygiene Need. In addition, the Evolve Plant action has been added to the Tend Garden cycle.

Requires 1 Elderberry, 1 Strawberry, 2 Parsley. I want to cheat a beautiful garden but I cannot figure out how to do it in Sims 4. Best Sims 4 Gardening Mods & CC (All Free To Download). Then start the game and see if the issues are still there Sims 4 plant cheat!! Nifty Knitting is now available. Gardening was the third aspiration for one of the Sims on the lot, and she died now in my game. When they are large enough, you should take the cuttings of each plant. It shows me all the debug objects and I can't easily scroll through. I know "BB.showhiddenobjects" and then "debug" in the search bar, but I still don't get what I want. Next time I do that aspiration it does look like I may need to turn some of the options off. The Sims 4 cheats: Every cheat code you need to play God By Tom Sykes, Lauren Morton, Christopher Livingston Every Sims 4 cheat for each expansion, all in one convenient place. I’m assuming you need to have testing cheats enabled to activate these options: Shift Click the plant(s) to open the cheat menu and go to Set Gardening State > Plant Evolution > Ready to Evolve.